Sample Inside layout
This whole area has the main content of the page. This is an introduction paragraph - please use it sparingly, if at all.
This is an example of an Inside Layout page
This will be what a majority of your pages will be. This is a 2 column layout where approximately 2/3 of the layout is the content on the left, and about 1/3 of the layout is dedicated to sub-navigation and contact/highlighted information. Note theses items in the layout:
- On the left:
- Optional picture at the top
- Title Bar
- Main page content
- On the right:
- Menu to the right
- Optional side bar information
- Contact information (this is the preferred use)
- Highlight of page information
Use Headings to organize the Content (H2)
This should be focused on 1 main topic. Think about your content being in outline form. If it does not fit into an outline, it may need to be laid out differently. If you use multiple blocks, the outline should be carried through the blocks so it carries with consistency through the whole page.
Use Sub Headings for Organization (H3)
These enable a screen reader to make it easier to get to the relevant or needed content faster. This is important for ADA compliance
About Images (H4)
Small pictures can be included in the page content if needed, but consider other ways pictures can be utilized such as:
- Picture at top of page in optional picture area (if single picture)
- A photo gallery (multiple pictures for a single event)
If you are inserting an image, please reference the job aides to learn how to properly upload it, and the information you need to include to ensure it is ADA compliant.
About Hyperlinks (H4)
For hyperlinks to be ADA Compliant, they should be descriptive in Nature. Here is an example of a GOOD hyperlink:
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site has additional information about creating pages that are web accessible.
These would be some examples of BAD hyperlinks if they were linked:
- Click Here (non-descriptive as to where it is going))
- Website Training Document (if it goes to an external site, it does not indicate where the user is being sent)
Focused Information (H2)
Your page should not be a "scroll of death" content area. If there are several main topics, consider breaking the content into separate pages.
Contact information for the department (using the Contact Block), or Building Information.
There may be some highlighted info here - but it should be limited to 1-2 sentences only.